Okay, what is ADHD and why has this site not addressed it before now? For one thing, this practice sees a lot of persons with ADHD, of all ages. No need to pump up that volume. Yet there are many ‘life hacks’ or tips and tricks as they used to be called, that are worth sharing, and one doesn’t necessarily need to attend coaching or therapy to catch onto them. Talking ourselves out of a job here, are we? Or just building confidence in the profession of psychology and maybe in this particular practice?  Regardless, here are a few of the life hacks that people report as being helpful. Please be advised that these are not ‘evidence-based psychology’ as such, because each one is too tiny to be evaluated on its own as a method. They are certainly shared folklore and definitely candidates for inclusion in a standardized coaching ‘program.’ Now we’re talking ‘future of ADHD intervention.’ So don’t rely on these so much as psychology, but as community support shared by persons with ADHD. Feel free to tweet using #adhdLifeHack

#adhdLifeHack 1 Forget on-task/off-task self-monitoring. If you have to ask, you’re OFF! Too late! Tune your firmness-of-grasp on the task.

#adhdLifeHack 2 Driving: Keep and oblong Zone of Risk and Responsibility driving ahead of you, 8 seconds ahead of where you are.

#adhdLifeHack 2 Adopt one of David Allen’s CEO strategies. Get EVERYTHING out of your head; into some record. THEN sort.

Please contribute if you have a life hack that seems reliable. @PsychIsGrowth